Do you have a diesel car or old gasoline and want to change it? You may be able to get assistance with the disposal of your old car and the purchase of a new or less polluting vehicle!In this case, the old vehicle must be scrapped in an approved End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) center.
How much?
The amount of the conversion premium varies depending on the vehicle purchased and the tax situation of the household:
- $ 1,000 for a taxable household in case of purchase of a second-hand electric vehicle or a new or used Crit’air 1 or 2 gasoline or diesel vehicle emitting less than 130 grams of CO2 / km;
- $ 2,000 for a non-taxable household in case of purchase of a second-hand electric vehicle or a new or used Crit’air 1 or 2 diesel or diesel vehicle emitting less than 130 grams of CO2 / km ;
- $ 2,500 unconditional income for the purchase of a new electric vehicle.
To know:
If you buy a new two-wheelers, three-wheelers or electric quadricyle, you can benefit from an aid of 100 $ if your household is taxable or 1 100 $ if it is not taxable. For the car scrap yard Singapore this is important matter. You can have the options properly covered. Right deals are there and that also within the budget that you have.
And can we cumulate this aid with the ecological bonus?
- Yes, it is still possible to cumulate this aid with the ecological bonus which only concerns the purchase of new electric vehicles.
- To help households replace their old and polluting car, the government has upgraded since January 1, 2018, the amounts of scrap page up to $ 2500.
- In order to speed up the disappearance of the oldest and most polluting cars, the public authorities have decided to widen the scrapping premium on the purchase of certain used cars.
A folder … thick!
If you buy your car from a pro, no problem: it takes care of everything and directly deduct the amount of the price premium of the vehicle. However, for an opportunity purchased between individuals, it is up to you to send your file to the Agency of services and payments (ASP) to receive the premium.
Identity and address, RIB, copy of the invoice, copy of the new vehicle’s registration certificate and self-destruction with the mention “surrendered for destruction”, copy of the certificate of destruction of an approved wrecker, proof of insurance valid until the day of destruction, certificate of non-pledge of less than one month and copy of your income tax notice for the year preceding the acquisition of your new car. You can have the best deals there and that is the reason that you will be having the smartest options.